Monday, January 26, 2015

APUSH Week 4 Jan. 26-30

This week we are finishing our discussion on domestic terrorism by asking the following:  "Do domestic terrorists pose a threat to the USA? If so, to what lengths should the government go to protect us?  If not, what do you think is the greater threat to US security, and what should be done about it?"


  1. I think overall, yes, domestic terrorists pose a threat to the United States. This is because we don't normally think that this could happen to an american by another american. This is because we have a mind set that these people are ones that stand out in the crowd, when that's not necessarily true. I don't really know what the lengths the United States would take to protect us. I could certainly suggest squashing uprisings, but that also makes the question of "Is the 1st amendment preventing protection?" I don't know.

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    2. Good point Araeleigha! I agree on the "we don't normally think that this could happen to an american by another american."

    3. I totally agree with your "1st amendment concept" is going out and shutting down uprisings really protecting us. Its really something to think about.

    4. I completely agree. It would be very difficult for the Government to stop attacks without impeding on our rights. The NSA is a government program that is meant to be used to stop potential threats to the United States through spying and listening to people conversations and text messages. The people of the United States are now outraged about the NSA and the way it is not respecting peoples privacy and rights. Hopefully soon we can find a way to stop domestic terrorism, while respecting the rights of our citizens.

  2. I don't think domestic terrorists pose as much of a threat as foreign terrorist attacks. Of course all terrorism poses threat to the United States but historically the domestic terrorists have attacked and have conveyed to evident message or were part of a cult or group influencing them to do so whereas the foreign affairs have been acts of war on the country or was intended as a political message.

    1. EDIT: Of course they both display messages but the domestic terrorist attacks have displayed a less relevant (for lack of a better term) message. With Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols being prime examples who were defending the rights of the Branch Davidians who were under suspicion of stockpiling large amounts of illegal weapons and statutory rape.

    2. Makenzi Carlgren W6

      Regardless of domestic or foreign terrorism, terrorism is a threat to the United States. However, domestic terrorists pose more of a threat because they are already here. As one video pointed out, America is geographically more separate from the "heat" spots, but with domestic terrorism there is no ocean blocking the way.

    3. I agree with Makenzi, it's still a thing to think about because the United States can be ruined from the inside far quicker than from outside forces. I also agree with the fact that, "America is geographically more separate".

    4. Addison, I think you have a good point, if we were comparing foreign and domestic terrorism. You're qualifier of "as much of a threat as foreign terrorist attacks" makes your argument correct in my opinion. But, for the prompt, I think that domestic is still a threat.

  3. I think domestic terrorism poses a threat the US because of multiple incidents that have occurred and not been stopped yet. The US security should take control of the problem by creating a system of preparation for future attacks and the people behind them.

    1. I totally agree with you Lexie! I think the government should always do everything they can to protect us and in this day and age I personally feel like they do more hiding then protecting.

  4. I think domestic terrorism poses a great threat to our country. In the multiple articals we have read and discussed, they all agree that no one was prepared or saw it coming. Weather it is a person from outside the country or someone from the states, terrorism is terrorism. Point blank...there is no justification to killing innocent people.

    1. I agree with you Lindsey that there is no justification for killing innocent people and there should be no "getting out of it". Everyone should be punished in the same way for a crime like this.

  5. Domestic terrorism does pose a threat to our country and the people in it. Although its not as great of a threat as foreign terrorism but the the fact that its coming from our own people from our own country is whats alarming and scary. America itself is not prepared for these attacks we never see it coming. I personally believe us as Americans and our government should develop some kind of system to prepare us for attacks and give us warnings when there is a possible threat. Develop a system that watches for suspicious activity and keep us prepared and protected. Eventually even stopping the planned attacks.

  6. Makenzi Carlgren W6

    Domestic terrorism is a threat to the US. America should be prepared, by having access to the warning signs. However, this can cause more problems because it makes people feel like their rights are being violated. The idea of having the government watching over you isn't comforting, even if they have the best intentions. Overall, domestic terrorism is controversial, because either side there are complications.

    1. I agree with Makenzi having access to warning signs could help us prepare for events such as terrorism. People may not want it because it invades their privacy but if people aren't doing anything wrong they don't need to worry about it. We could save hundreds of lives and have the government scan our phones and other devices for threats or we can not have them do it because we don't feel comfortable and have people lose loved ones because someone decided to become violent.

    2. I agree Makenzi, having warnings could go a long way to foreseeing attacks before they happen. Their may even be methods that the government could take that wouldn't be privacy invading. However, people would probably find less invasive methods unacceptable. We may just have to accept it a little lack of privacy if we have to.

    3. Marshall Hanson W6
      I agree that the government should be able to monitor people, but I think there should be more restrictions and the NSA or who ever is doing the listening needs to be monitored. Even though it invades our privacy, it will pay off when the next domestic terrorist is stopped

  7. I believe that domestic terrorism is a huge problem America faces. As long as an individual holds strong ideas, and is willing to act in a violent way to hold and defend those ideas there will be acts of domestic terrorism. There will be people who are willing to kill for there ideas. This has been shown in the past decades by the Oklahoma City Bombings and the terrorist acts of 9/11. These are all people who held strong ideas who were willing to kill to push these ideas on people.

    1. This is a very valid point. And here in the U.S. we encourage strong ideas and actions; therefore I believe, in a way, we have brought this upon ourselves. In places such as Iraq or Iran, where one cannot think for oneself, domestic terrorism is very minute, but here in America we encourage actions that may be less literal, but many are capable of interpreting these words in a savage manner.

    2. I agree. Domestic terrorism is a big problem and is something that we need to deal with and try to stop. Any kind of terrorism has devastating effects on whoever is attacked. Although many people around the world do not the the United States, every country has to deal with terrorism.

  8. Domestic terrorism, in its many forms, poses as great a threat as foreign terrorism. In the articles we read as a class and the ones I read for the research outline, these attacks were unexpected and brutal. Honestly, I have no idea what the government should do to prevent these acts aside from violating our Constitutional rights.

  9. Domestic terrorism does pose a threat to the United States and all of its citizens. Any kind of terrorism is a threat, but Domestic terrorism can be even more dangerous due to the fact that the threat does not have to travel very far. I think that the US government has found a middle ground in protecting us without encroaching on our privacy and rights, too much.

  10. I do think it poses as a threat. You really have to be on guard and be careful of who is doing what. Our world seems to be spiraling out of control now a days with all these arugments such as us and North Korea. Crazy times..

  11. Domestic terrorism is a huge threat to the United States. These attacks are never really able to be stopped before they happen because our government cant find these terrorist let alone know when they are going to attack. When it happens it is always really bad because they know the right time to do it and that is during big events. Being a terrorist in the U.S. is so much easier then being one from another country.

    1. I see what you saying Kiauna but is disagree with the statement that the best time to attack is during a big event. Yes when you attack during a big event you are going to have more casualties, but when the two men did the Oklahoma City bombing, there was no events going on. The government is going to be more aware when there is a large event happening. This is why I think there is no good time to attack, you inevitably going to get caught. Thanks to our FBI, police, and law abiding citizens.

    2. I do agree that domestic terrorism is a threat. I also agree that we can never find out where they sometimes are but for the most part domestic terrorist are in the country so we somehow find a link to the person who caused it. But like the world trade center, have we ever found out who caused it? We may have had assumptions of who did it. That's not domestic though that is out of the country terrorists.

  12. Domestic terrorism does pose a threat to US security, because the attacks are so hard to track and prevent. The attacks are usually small, in compare with foreign attacks, but they have been increasing in frequency. Attacks could only be prevented with invasion of American's privacy, and measures extreme enough to find terrorists would probably be unconstitutional. Since attacks are not really preventable, the government should be prepared for when they do happen, and to solve the situation quickly.

    1. I agree with you saying the attacks are usually small but more are happening and more people are dying and wanting to find these people before they do something would be a invasion on privacy.

    2. Mary I agree with you that there really isn't too much that the government can do to prevent these attacks which is also why domestic terrorism is so scary. Without any way of knowing when there will be an attack we are basically just sitting ducks in a sense.

    3. I agree that the attacks are very hard for the government to stop. There are laws that prevent the government from being involved in our lives to the point where they would be able to stop all domestic terrorism. This means that the only way to stop domestic terrorism is to wait for these terrorists to act and stop them. It is almost impossible to find and stop these terrorists before they attack without a change of laws meaning that it will be very difficult to stop domestic terrorism in the future.

  13. Domestic terrorism is a huge threat to the US security. Nothing can be done to prevent and try to stop these attacks because they are usually not for-shadowed or seen. You cannot sniff out the people that are planning attacks because most likely they are the same people that went to school with you and live on the same block with you. The security isn't always prepared for an at home attack, for instance look at the Marathon bombing only three people were killed but over 200 injured. If the security is not heightened or prepared for these occurrences then those numbers will be flipped.

  14. Domestic terrorism poses a huge threat to the US because it is very expensive and dangerous for the US to counter hack or attach the people who are attacking us. The United States is always looking out for terrorists from other countries while we need to be watching out for the ones in our own back yards.

  15. Marshall Hanson
    Domestic terrorism will always be a threat to the safety of the US, but as of now, there are more pressing and dangerous things out there like ISIL. We don't know who will be the next domestic terrorist but we do know that there are many groups that wish to destroy the United States. As of today our greatest threats are radical religious groups that hate the US and everything it stands for.

  16. Garrett Campion
    While domestic terrorism is a large problem for the United States, I don't think it needs to be focused on any more than foreign terrorism. The chances of an American actually putting into motion an attack on the US are slim, but it would be easy considering the access a citizen would have. Foreign terrorist on the other hand are more likely to try to put into motion their plans for an attack but it would be far more difficult with the security we have. I think the US should have balanced defenses for domestic and foreign terrorism.

  17. I think domestic terrorism is a threat to the United States because you don’t know when it is happening or where it is going to happen. There is also many groups formed on hatred and we never know if they are going to do anything. Domestic terrorism leaves America in shambles and families are in great loss because of this problem.

    1. I agree with you that a lot of the threat in domestic terrorism is the surprise of it all. However, this is true of most tragedies, including terrorism by other countries. I think a lot of the fear of domestic terrorism comes from the fact that it comes from the inside. The question isn't when or where, the question is who, and the idea that anyone in your neighborhood could be a terrorist is why domestic terrorism is the serious and frightening threat that it is.

  18. Domestic terrorism does pose a threat to United States security because it is something that we often forget about leaving room for large numbers of surprise attacks. When we hear the word terrorist we don't typically think of our fellow Americans.However, domestic terrorist attacks actually occur quite frequently. Domestic terrorist attacks have also taken the lives of many innocent civilians which is very devastating and scary. It is probably easier for a domestic terrorist to make an attack rather than a foreign terrorist because domestic terrorist are already in the country. At any given moment we are all at risk for a domestic terrorist attack. I do not necessarily have an answer to the question of what the government should do because I feel like there's not a whole lot more they can do. They already keep watch on known terrorist groups and suspicious things that are of concern but really there's not much you can do when somebody decides to bomb an entire building or shoot up a movie theater because we would have no way of knowing. This is also why they pose such a threat.

    1. I completely agree. This is pretty much exactly what I said on the organizer we did for class. Domestic terrorists have easier access, it is more surprising, and they are not as highly monitored as foreign terrorists

  19. Domestic terrorism does pose a threat to the U.S. because most of us dont think of our own people hurting our counrty. We mostly think of other countries to go against the United States. I do feel that the U.S. has gone to great measures to help advance and secure us ever since 9/ll. Even though it wasnt domestic it opened up the whole countries eyes and the U.S. went into action to make sure nothing like that could happen again.

    1. I agree with you Adrian, domestic terrorism does pose a threat to our country, I mean after all the terrorists who are coming from inside do not have to as much as work than terrorists coming from half way across the world. Domestic terrorists are all ready here.

  20. Domestic terrorism does pose a threat. Most of the above post agree. And they all say the same points. Dom terr have better access, they aren't as highly watched like the foreign terrorist groups, and they can be literally anyone so it causes greater psychological damages. But what I find interesting is that people keep saying the gov't needs to develop a system that helps prevent these attacks. I'm pretty sure that the gov't, including the intelligence agencies have prevented a multitude of foreign and domestic terrorist attacks that we have never and will never hear about. Also they say that they either should monitor the citizens better so the can catch these plans or shouldn't because it infringes on our right and liberties. I personally don't care what the gov't monitors about me and it should matter to anyone else unless they should be worried. The people who monitor things might not even know who they are monitoring unless they find something suspicious and it's not like the whole gov't can read your emails. Besides how do we know that they don;t have extreme monitoring measures in place. Have you never seen Person of Interest. Just kidding, but they could prevent more if they had greater access, as long as they do it right.

  21. Domestic terrorism poses a very serious threat the United States, just as terrorist attacks by other countries pose a serious threat. In fact, domestic terrorism might be more dangerous than foreign terrorism, for two reasons: first, the attacks come from inside our borders, and second, the attacks aren't treated with the same severity as foreign attacks. The question "Is terrorism a threat to the United States?" would never be asked, because the existence of 9/11 alone is enough to make most American citizens believe that it is. However, even though the Oklahoma City and Boston Marathon bombers are practically household names, the threat of domestic terrorism is still seen as questionable, which is what makes it dangerous. The denial that these attacks are a threat is part of what allows them to happen.

  22. Domestic terrorism DOES NOT pose a threat to the United States.
    Tehe, just kidding. I only wanted to start my paragraph off different than everyone else. To be honest, I'm not sure I completely understand this question. What constitutes as a "threat" to America? If by "threat" you mean it could kill people, then yes obviously. The definition of domestic terrorism involves killing in there somewhere. Even though we have a democracy, people will always feel as though their voice is not being heard. And, naturally, some of those people are going to be lunatics who think the best way to be heard is to blow up a children's hospital. Honestly, I don't see where this could not be a threat. If we were COMPARING foreign and domestic terrorism, I would say foreign is a bigger threat simply because it is more difficult to prevent and because it's harder to fend off a whole country than a church group in Arkansas. To protect us from domestic terrorist attacks the government should keep an eye on potentially threatening organizations and they should also treat domestic terrorism as a real threat.

    1. I totally agree. Whether its foreign or domestic terrorism doesn't affect the fact that its a threat. You said it best.. I don't see where it could not be a threat either. I think people don't want to believe its a threat because its fellow Americans, but its still killing.

    2. How do I scholarlyly call someone an idiot? Tehe just kidding I liked that you started yours off in a different way. No but really, I agree that foreign terrorism is harder to control. I am curious about statistics of which one is more likely to happen (or has been more likely in the past). Like which one is ACTUALLY in history harder to control.

  23. Alec W. W6
    Yes, domestic terrorism poses a threat to the United States. This is especially true because domestic terrorists are already inside our borders and therefore harder to look out for if they haven't done anything that stands out. The government should watch out for potential threats, and wire tap anyone who they think has even the slightest connection to terrorism.

    1. I agree with you Alec. I think domestic terrorism poses a bigger threat to the United States than foreign terrorism because they are already in our country and took and are held to their standards of being a good American citizen. They potentially know more information or can access it easier than foreigners.

  24. I do think that domestic terrorism is a threat to us. In any case, terrorism is a threat. Some can argue that we are finding new security and new programs to limit the terrorism but just as we are advancing in out technology and knowledge, so are terrorists. They also grow in knowledge and skill along side us. So when we find a new security system, they find a new hack. We are all advancing, therefor... domestic terrorism is still a threat.

    1. I agree with you Sydney, I really feel that domestic terrorism is not something to be taken lightly. It seems that their is always someway in which terrorist are attacking our country and their always will be.

    2. I agree with you Sydney. The terrorists are smarter than we think. They are always a step ahead of us. Even though we may think we have out smarted them and we have come up with something new, I feel like they are just watching our every move just laughing at us because they can still pose a threat somehow.

    3. Sydney, you're so smart. I do think domestic terrorism is a huge threat to us no matter what kind of security we have here in the US. Terrorist will always find some way around it.

    4. I very much agree sydney. Just because of new technologies doesnt mean hackers are going to stop trying. They are getting smarter right along side of us .If they really want it they can find away around the system and get into it.

  25. Overall I think domestic terrorism is real threat to the security of the United States. I feel that as an American there is nothing more disgraceful on attacking your own country, no matter what. I think the U.S. should be particularly more strict on domestic terrorism to send a message that if you don't like something about our country you can get out.

  26. Domestic terrorism is a threat to the United States. We've studied the actual acts, as well as the effects. What we have not dwelled on is how the American government should go about preventing the problem. Stricter immigration polices are often one sided and go against the very idea of what America was built on. Stricter monitoring causes people to feel as if their rights are being infringed upon. Though domestic terrorism is a threat, the very real threat of Civil rights are incredibly relevant as well. If the people are not happy with the way their country is being run, they will find a way to rebel. And it has been that way since the beginning of history. There seems to be a fine fine line between protecting rights, and infringing upon them.

  27. I do think Domestic Terrorists pose a threat to an extent, but I think there cyber hacking is more dangerous. Yeah domestic terrorist blow people up, but it doesn't happen very often. Cyber hacking happens everyday without us even knowing it. Millions of peoples accounts and big businesses are hacked into and personal information is leaked through the security system. Peoples identity's are being stolen, hackers might even be watching you at this very moment through your computer. Your personal safety is being threatened by someone across seas and you have no idea. The US government has been hacked into multiple times, yet our government thinks of new ways to hold them off or they catch them in the midst of it.

  28. Domestic terrorism is a threat to the US. Although domestic is probably not as common as cyber attacks and terrorism from foreigners, when domestic terrorism does occur it is probably more dangerous. Domestic terrorists don't need to break in to the US because they already live here, and they are also very hard to find. I think there isn't much our government can do to stop domestic terrorism without breaking laws. The government would probably have to invade our privacy and become much more involved in our lives to completely stop domestic terrorism.

    1. I completely agree with you about the fact that when domestic terrorism does occur, it is very destructive. Also, I think that finding out who these people are and what they plan to do before they do attack is truly very difficult.

  29. Domestic terrorism is still a threat to the United States because while the government is busy protecting us against external attacks, meanwhile there are people plotting to attack the country from the inside. It may not happen that often but the threat is still there. We can do some things about it such as focusing on who is coming and going from the country, but you cant do to much cause then some will feel like their rights are being messed with.

  30. I think that domestic terrorists pose an enormous threat to the U.S. because they are extremely difficult to detect. Of course, our government is busy spying on people that they think are a danger to the american public, but they cannot catch everything. Domestic terrorists will continue to attack America and it will be interesting to see how they decide to do so.

    1. Exactly my thoughts, Liam. Domestic terrorism does occur somewhat frequently. The worse part is there very little things we can do to prevent domestic terrorism.

  31. Domestic terrorism is a huge threat to everyone. Even though the government says our security is very up to date and high tech. There is always new things on the other side of the world that are better than ours. Things keep advancing and our government will not always catch them or be in the know. Therefore, things like 9/11 and Boston bombing have happened. Not all terrorism acts can be stopped with even best equipment.

    1. I agree with Jera on this one, terrorist attacks are a huge to everyone. We haven't been able to stop them nor detect them. Even with our high tech equipment we still are having troubles.

  32. I believe domestic terrorists are a threat to the USA. The government should definitely rethink there protection plans and put more money into protecting schools and government buildings. There should be more effective standards that schools and government buildings should have to meet. Such as the plan Central is putting in with the bond issue of moving the front office into a place where every guest will have to walk through to get into the school. I believe these plans could definitely shrink domestic terrorist attacks.

  33. Yes domestic terrorism does pose a huge threat to the U.S. because it is undetectable, and no one has found a way to stop it. I don't know if stopping terrorism will ever be a thing. Nobody knew about those two guys in Oklahoma, it wasn't a huge event, so it was a surprise attack, to where as at big events they have security ready and prepared. Even with the high technology we have today, is still not enough, and when the FBI searches through everybody's phone, it doesn't stop the terrorists. Yeah, they might have stopped a couple, but domestic terrorism is still a hot topic in the U.S.

  34. Any form of terrorism is a danger to the US and other countries; however, domestic terrorism is definitely one not to be forgotten from US citizens. Domestic terrorism is especially dangerous because anyone can do it, with little knowledge to everyone else. Domestic terrorism is difficult to prevent, as there is a fine line from breaching citizen's privacy and keeping us safe.

    1. I think you made a really good point by saying "that anyone can do it with little knowledge to anyone else," I think by tying that point in with the idea of terrorism really proves the point of exactly how big of a threat Domestic Terrorism is in the United States.

  35. I agree with what everyone else is saying, I think Domestic Terrorism will always propose a bigger threat to the United States because it is so much harder to predict just for the simple fact that a US citizen is the one who is pulling the attack. I think the government has definitely done an extremely better job in protecting the United States from any type of terrorism especially after 9/11. With Domestic Terrorism I think there will always be a bigger threat because it is so unpredictable, and it is not as easy to watch and monitor every person in America compared to the Government keeping tabs on those in other terrorist groups and extremists groups such as the terrorists that belong to the groups Al Qaeda as well as those in who are in ISIS and any other foreign extremist group. I don't think that Domestic Terrorism will ever be able to be fully prevented but I definitely think that as time progresses so will the prevention against any type of Terrorism, whether its Domestic or Foreign.

  36. Domestic Terrorism is a threat to the US and will probably always be a threat just because of the consistent societal controversies that cause the people to clash with the government. Even after the country's security was made a bigger priority after 9/11, it will more than likely never be foolproof and there will always be unsatisfied citizens who will take their beliefs to extremes with terrorist attacks. There are a number of active hate groups in America and i don't think it will matter how intense our government keeps watch on everyone; there will always be the possibility of terrorism. I also think it's such an issue because there isn't a huge focus on mental instability until something goes wrong and the person is examined for mental illnesses. Basically as long as there are unsatisfied American citizens, Domestic Terrorism is going to be a threat to the US.

  37. Domestic terrorism is a threat to the US due to thee fact that with a working govt. situations are going to come up that will tick people off and they will make decisions to cause havoc. ALso with more and more people becoming citizens that is going to increase the number of people who possibly could pose a threat to our security. But at the same time govt, spying is helping to prevent this.

    1. I completely agree with travis. One thing I could add to this: since it happens at such random with people who we would never expect (look at Holmes for example), we should always fall back on our 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. Since we can't stop terrorists before an attack happens, we can atleast stop it before it gets worse. Another great reason to defend ourselves and save others through doing so.

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