Wednesday, January 21, 2015

APUSH Week 3 Jan. 19 - 23

Keeping with the theme of Domestic terrorism, this week you will be reading about James Holmes who is the suspect of the Aurora Colorado movie theature shootings in 2012 at the premier of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. read and respond to this CNN article that focuses on his background and relate that to the post that we read last week about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. 


  1. P.S I apologize to M-3 for the miss information about what college Holmes went to... i was thinking of the unibomber Ted Kaczynski. My mistake!! Mr. Hickox

  2. James Holmes is a prime example of how someone may seem like the most level headed person you know but can turn out to be bonkers. I think the case here is whether he is a mentally ill individual or if he is just crazy. I think that with as much work went into the attack (smuggling materials like guns, large quantities of ammunition, and military protective gear) he couldn't have been insane. But on the other hand it's hard to justify shooting into a crowd of people without turning to insanity. It's a tough case but I don't believe with all of the logistics of getting that kind of gear into an apartment that he could have been insane.

    1. I honestly think you're right. It kinda just pushes us away from the stereotypical "crazy" person. He obviously knew what he was doing.

    2. I agree Addison. It is crazy that someone like James Holmes could ever do this and kill so many innocent people. Although when someone goes and kills that many people for no reason, that person needs to pay for what he did.

    3. I agree because anyone who keep straight A's in college and who has learned about mental illness is obviously sane enough to receive proper punishment.

    4. I agree that his planning of the attack seemed well thought out, but I think that if he was mentally ill, he still would have been capable of strategy. A personality change does not necessarily affect intelligence levels.

    5. I agree with Kindel that there is no way he was crazy in the mind or stupid because he was very smart on his planned attack obviously. He knew exactly what he was doing. I think everyone that does sick things like this are not in the right mind set but always know exactly what they are doing and what it's going to hurt.

    6. Addison I agree that Holmes was a very normal every day person. To be honest he is one of the last people most would suspect of shooting up a movie theatre. But you said there is no way a mentally ill individual could gather all the supplies needed to commit this act of terrorism. He was obliviously very sick and its a shame there aren't more ways to see this mental illness before the attack began.

  3. I feel like these two guys are relate-able because they have the same characteristics. They were both really good students, and they were super calm. It shows that not only are domestic terrorists, crazy people, but their crazy SMART people as well.

    1. Araeleigha, i completely agree with you. It is tough to see good students who are calm and quiet end up being a serial killer. This does prove a point on our society that murders can be anyone in this world. You just have to be careful.

    2. I agree with the part that they have the same characteristics and what not, but I disagree with the part about them being crazy. They were normal just like we are. They just had emotions that they weren't able to express in an appropriate way.

  4. Going through this article i realized one main issue in the world today which is we do not expect smart quiet people to be violent. We expect the crazy wild, and outgoing ones to be. It is devastating to think that murderers are just normal people. It does not matter who they are we are all human and we all look the same. You would not be able to tell if a person is a killer just by their looks. Personally, seeing James Holmes go from being a good kid throughout high school and his college career and earning a degree for medical and science turn out to be someone who is crazy. I honestly feel like something snapped and he was not the person he was before. It is hard to think that the person you are sitting next to or living near can turn up to be a murderer a few years down the road. But, this is society.

  5. Haley, i totally agree with what youre saying. Us humans always seem be stereotypical about others. As an example, smart kids that focus on their schooling all the time are usually not worried about while others like people that are living on the streets, we tend to fear or be cautious about. As you said, we cant just pick out who is more likely to kill someone by their looks and or their background. Major things can happen in any of our lives that could possibly make us just click and do bad things.

  6. I don't think it's just a coincidence that these guys were both smart, planned on being successful, had many friends and both ended up being killers. I don't think being smart or quiet has anything to do with it. Everything they did was more of a mental and emotional thing. In a way they are the same but they became murderers for different reasons. But still there is no good reason to ever kill someone.

    1. I agree Kiauna. It just goes to show you should never stereotype or judge anyone...even when they seem to have it all together.

  7. Thinking back on the last article we read, it's kind of weird/sad how some of us (including myself) tried to justify Jahar's actions. I think we starting reading about all of his struggles at home and started to feel sympathy towards him. In this story, on the other hand, James doesn't seem to have any motives or struggles in his life from what his family and neighbors say. We don't know what was going on in his life, or through his mind, but nothing can justify taking someones life. It just shows that no one can depict who a killer will be, it can be anyone.

    1. I agree with what you said in the beginning and think that the way the Jahar story was written was to gain sympathy and we all just fell for it. I also like what you said about Jahar having motives whereas James just flipped his lid and went crazy. I would like to know what happened in their that changed him so much.

  8. This whole thing is just crazy. First a genius with a bright future, up and quits his job and school. Next He goes and shoots up a movie theater killing like 10 people. But after the killing, the craziest thing to me is that he was able to spend months buying and stocking up the equipment to build bombs, heavy armor, gas masks, guns, and over 6000 rounds without being put on a watch list somewhere. If our justice system was paying better attention I think this could have been avoided, but don't get me wrong James is a terrible person for should be punished for his actions.

    1. You make some good points about his deliveries. Do you also think that this could also have some major effects on our monitoring systems? Someone must have known something to have been suspicious. If they're so paranoid that they have a book list they don't want you to read, then why aren't they watch suspicious packages, especially if it's military-grade armor and weapons.

    2. There is also a problem with the justice system if an average civilian is able to have access to such harmful things in mass quantities. Not only that they were not monitored. If buying these things were illegal/harder to obtain we wouldn't see as many problems arise as we do today. The other issue is invasion of privacy. There are a multitude of Catch-22's that go into this situation.

  9. I wish I could understand how or why a student who graduated at the top of his class and who had been described as clean cut, quiet, and responsible could fully arm himself, go into a movie theater, and open fire. I could understand him being quiet, and not on social media (except for his Adult Friend Finder page) and how that could show some signs that would've led him down this path and his 4-months delivery periods, but it's just insane to see where some people's lives lead.

    1. i agree, no one can really tell what goes on in someone elses head, except them

  10. This just goes to show that people are not always how they appear on the outside. despite is quiet and academic demeanor he obviously had huge mental problems. With various mental diseases it can be hard to function in day to day life and can make you do actions that you regret. this however does not excuse his actions and despite any problems somthing like this is horrible.

    1. I agree. One is capable of portraying him or herself in a way, but in reality they hide within their mind. This causes great conflict and soon can have prodigious repercussions. I disagree, this cannot excuse his actions, but it does provide an explanation and a possible cure/prevention of further actions that are similar.

  11. I empathise with Holmes. When one is as intelligent as he life becomes lonely and tends to wonder into the dark, unknown crevices of one's mind. After all, ¨Man is capable of as much atrocity as he has imagination.¨ This was spoken by John Nash who was very intelligent and found himself lonely at times, he soon began to drink as an effect. Evil is inevitable.

    1. A very dark thought, although I agree with loneliness being able to cause some psychological problems, I don't find it easy to believe that being lonely could be the sole purpose behind a terrorist.

    2. I agree with Nash, that loneliness would not be the sole thing that would make someone do this. I do not agree that he did this because he was intelligent. There are plenty of people who are just as smart, and smarter, than Holmes. The difference is that they are using their minds to make the world better for others, not worse.

    3. I agree with Nash and Mary, just because you're lonely and incredibly smart, that doesn't cause let alone justify killing people. What causes it is when people blame some one else for the bad things that happen to them.

  12. It is just crazy how someone like James Holmes can do something like that. He was a very smart and responsible guy who took school seriously. There must have been something very traumatizing that happened to James Holmes to make him snap and kill so many people. I think that this situation would have been hard to avoid because you would never expect such and excellent student and overall person to do this. However, no matter what he did before, this shooting has permanently made him a criminal that needs to pay for what he did.

    1. I agree 100% Cole, its crazy for Holmes to completely switch around. From an intelligent, successful man to a cold-hearted killer, there should be no sympathy for this man. "Always expect the unexpected."

  13. The popular saying "Expect the unexpected" applies flawlessly to James Holmes. Holmes was a very bright and intelligent individual, ranking highly in his class; however, he suddenly went and shot up a theater. There is some whom feel sympathy for this man, who killed 12 people, whilst injuring 70 others. (58 from gunshots, 12 others from tear gas and other minor injuries)

    1. I agree that you can expect things such as this due to all of the psychotic people that surround us. It is disturbing to see such a bright person led down a road of destruction. He ruined obviously 82 lives directly but along with those injured, he changed the lives of the families for ever.

  14. What I've concluded from both this weeks and last weeks articles is that we will never fully understand why people snap to the point of destroying others' lives and families. Both attackers, especially Holmes, were well off in their schooling and could have successful careers and lives. In addition to their prospected future, neither incident could have been predicted at the hands of their killers, nor could anyone believe that these people had been responsible.

    1. Nash Johnson M6 ^

    2. I totally agree Nash. We will never really know why people do the things they do. That's sorta kinda fascinating to me, why do we do the things we do? and why is there never really a reason to why we do them? The world may never know.

  15. I remember when I heard about this happening. I had been thinking of going to see Batman myself. Then, I remember (and am not likely to forget) when I heard about the Sandy Hook shooting that December. My mom had turned on the news and we saw the headline. I cried. I didn't know anyone who had been injured or killed, but I cried. Because I couldn't fathom doing such a horrible thing. And I felt the same about the movie theater shooting. What really saddens me, was that instead of seeing a drop in tragedies like these, we have been seeing more shootings. I have no sympathy for Holmes. I can always understand having problems in life, but I will never understand taking problems out on other people.

    1. I feel the same people should not be doing this to other people. There are other ways to face your problems then to kill innocent people.

    2. Makenzi Carlgren W6

      I agree with you completely, Mary! I do not understand how anyone could handle their problems by a mass shooting. When I see articles about shootings like Aurora Colorado, or Sandy Hook, all I see is innocent people. I can't imagine taking away someone's child, sibling, mother or father because my own problems, I don't understand how anyone would feel it is even a solution.

    3. I also don't understand taking your own problems out on other people, especially to the degree of shooting innocent victims, and I think this reaction is normal to those who do not have mental disorders. This is why I think that Holmes and others like him might. To most of us, shooting up a movie theater is something that we would never, ever do, because we can't imagine hurting completely innocent people. Those who can, and those who do, might not be as mentally sound. Insanity is not an excuse, and what Holmes did was still horrible and unforgivable, but understanding the motivations behind tragic events is still critical to understanding the events themselves.

    4. That is a great point Mary, people have no excuse for murdering no matter what there mental handicap may be. I also do not feel sympathetic for Holmes, he made the decision and he is facing the consequences.

  16. I feel like both of these guys were seen as good to many people but they had always had the switch in there head just to turn. That is what both of them did they were in good schools and had potential in their future careers, but they killed people that should not of been killed. James Holmes was planning on killing more with his booby trapped apartment and that is not ok. We are the generation that can change that cycle.

  17. A few people made this reference already, but I think James & Jahars awful actions show the same story. It's terribly sad they were struggling so bad on the insides and never showed anything on the outside, but its 100x worse for these victims. I was staying in Aurora, CO the night of the shooting, and it's crazy to think what would of happened if we would of gone to the movies. These families are left helpless, after a simple night out to the theater. It's terrible our world has come to the point where things like this happen all around.

  18. After reading about both Holmes and Tsarnaev, I can conclude that everyone is unpredictable. There was no way to tell that either one was a psychotic lunatic due to their completely normal lives and personalities. Obviously Holmes was extremely intelligent and that makes the whole situation different from just an ordinary shooter. With his level of intelligence, you would expect that he knew the basics of right and wrong but the side of him that he never exposed to the public pulled him to the actions that he ended up taking. What he did was terrible, unjustifiable, and simply disturbing to know that there are many more people out there that you will never be able to tell that they are dangerous until they commit a crime such as James did.

    1. I agree with you Liam, both of them were really smart and the both made a poor decision and killed insistent people. I feel like they should have went to someone with there problems instead of killing people.

  19. Makenzi Carlgren W6

    Just like Jahar, Holmes didn't follow the typical stereotypes associated with mass shootings. They were both people who didn't show many dangerous warnings, and should have handled their pain better. The most disturbing part of these two men, is that they were aware of their actions. They planned to hurt innocent people in a way to relieve their pain. It is sad that they were struggling with pain, however, that doesn't give them the excuse to take away innocent lives, and it is awful that they felt they had that right.

    1. I totally agree with you Makenzi. They were struggling with their own personal problems and pains, and i agree that did not give them the right to do what they did. It is very disturbing that these two men knew exactly what they were doing at the time, and that they spent the time leading up to the day planning it. They were planning all of this and no one every saw it coming. They seemed normal and then went and did these things.

  20. After reading about both of these men, i can honestly say that these men are very similar. They both seemed like decent civilized human beings. They both seemed fit into the world like a normal person, but these men were anything but normal. They did unspeakable things to innocent people that were just going and doing normal things on a normal day, and then these men came along and changed everything. For no reason these men did the things they did, and that is wrong. Not one of those people that were at the marathon or at the movies on those days saw any of that coming. Those men that made those things happen were seen as normal people. They were capable of these things with no remorse. You would think that people know the difference between right and wrong. Any person that knew the difference would not have done these things. Holmes was a very intelligent man, he went to college and graduated with a degree in one of the hardest majors available. You would think that he would be able to know the consequences of his actions. I think that both of them knew what they were doing and deserve the consequences that come with there actions.

    1. I agree with you Keisha. They are both very similar and they had their lives going for them. They were both smart human beings. But they did something horrible and they get what they deserve.

  21. The Holmes is almost identical to the Jahar situation. They both included bombs, yet Holmes shot up a movie theater as well. The weird part about it is, is that they were both academically smart and they had no backgrounds of being violent. For no reason at all they both did horrible things to hurt other human beings. The thing that struck me was, in both situations they couldn't find where they started going down hill. They both did awful things and I feel as though they thought they weren't going to get caught. They deserve the consequences.

    1. Gracie Truelove-
      I agree with Reagan, these men didn't have a specific turning points in their lives where they decided they wanted to become these monsters. They do deserve their punishments, as what they did to those people was immoral and unneeded.

    2. I once read a statistic about death row stating that over 60% of the inmates on death row were labeled as "gifted" it seems like the connection still applies in more resent cases maybe these people are under more stress or see things differently than others...

  22. Marshall Hanson W6
    Both last week's and the week's posts demonstrate how it can never truly be predicted who will snap and kill people. There might be signs that some one has gone over the edge and in Holmes' case, quitting everything and buying a lot of assault gear would have been a pretty good one. But this story shows how stress and probably some underlying mental issue can change a person. Holmes went from someone who wanted to save lives to some one who killed or injured so many people. Holmes still needs to be punished but before we jump to conclusions, I think we need to find out what caused him to snap and if he does have a mental disease like schizophrenia, I think he should be treated accordingly, not like a person like Jahar, who killed for his religion and for revenge for the "wrongs" of the west.

    1. I agree, while Jahar executed a plan and defended his actions, Holmes just kinda' snapped. While they both did terrible things and both deserve to be punished their actions their stories aren't the same.

    2. I agree with you here. Its so unexpected that its scary to think about. Imagine how many people in our school feel this way but we may not even realize it they may just snap one day with no warning.

  23. I dont understand how someone could kill so many innocent people. He was at at the top of his class and was respectful. I think you would have to be so messed up to be able to kill others. And what makes it even worse was these people he killed were at a movie with loved ones and didnt do anything to him, but he didnt care and he took their lives away from them without them being able to do anything about it. Its sickening to to think about.

    1. I agree with you. It just goes to show how messed up our world can get, and change from good to horrible in a matter of seconds.

  24. this shows how we need to be aware of whats around us and how people act. Not that everyone is not trustworthy.

  25. They were both smart and good students and had their whole lives ahead of them and no one expected them to be capable of such evil, like killing a bunch of people, their similarities end there. Jahar had a reason and he had a cause. He started to hate, then befriended others with the same attitude. He became a terrorist before he set off the bomb. He knew what he stood for, what he was doing, and why he was doing it, for revenge and justice. In contrast Holmes probably had a mental break. Sane people don't walk into a theater and kill a bunch of people, unless they are actual terrorist trying to terrorize America, even then they are messed up, but they're not insane. Holmes had to have been. Maybe he had a mental disorder no one knew about, it is still possible to smart and mentally unstable. They both deserve punishment, but one will probably end up in a mental hospital while the other might end up in a prison similar to GTMO. Both of them did Evil things and we all believe they were wrong and it was inhumane but it wasn't wrong to them, and that's just how the world works. Some people control and some follow. Some people die, some kill, and others hunt them down. While most people see all this bad stuff, and these bad people do bad things and they still "just can't believe it".

    1. I really like what you said about how some people control and some people follow. You can categorize people in this world in a lot of different aspects, but when you are talking about following or controlling, there is no in between. Your points are spot on.

  26. I think it's interesting that the article mention a class on different mental disorders Holmes might have taken. If he did take such a class, it's possible that learning about these disorders triggered something in him, and that might have been what caused the mental breakdown. That noted, the question of what caused the mental breakdown is not nearly as important as whether or not there was a mental breakdown, seeing as Holmes is currently pleading insanity. I'm inclined to believe that there was. Sane people do not shoot up movie theaters with no obvious motive. I think it's a possibility that Holmes saw himself in his class on mental disorders and decided to embrace it by taking on the face of the "Joker". Regardless, what Holmes did was horrendous and he should have to accept the consequences of his actions.

  27. This CNN article, like the prior article, spends a great deal of time speaking of how the attackers were before they made their attacks. Though this article tells the reader more about what was happening at the time of the attack rather than HOW he was feeling. Holmes lawyers are pleading that he was insane so why was this article not focusing on how he was feeling, because that seems to be the problem at hand. The way to keep him out of the chair is to either humanize him or blame it on something out of his power, and the lawyers know this. Whether or not he is insane or it is a law tactic to save Holmes even though he massacred a theater full of people is what the jury has to decide.

  28. I'm not sure if I had some internet issues or what, but was the font for this article really weird for anyone else?? Because I could barely read it. Just curious.
    About the article itself, I find it extremely interesting how someone can seemingly change personalities so dramatically. I would like to know if authorities conducted a mental examination (I feel like that's something that definitely should have been done), and if so, what the results were. I find it very difficult to believe that one day, a person who the media describes as being calm and intelligent, decides to make a thorough plan to kill as many people as possible. I feel like either the media is lying to us somehow, or we are all missing some important information.
    If we take what they tell us as the whole story, then I suppose it just goes to show you how the quiet, calm, intelligent ones are the ones who never let anything out and it builds up inside of them and then they go commit acts of domestic terrorism.

  29. I think that James Holmes shouldn't be able to plea for insanity because of his prior knowledge of mental illnesses and insanity should not be an excuse for murder. Holmes took classes on mental illnesses and obviously was smart enough to seek help if he knew he had a disorder. In last weeks article the terrorist suspect also went to a great school and got good grades and sounded like a great person until he became a murderer showing that anyone can become something completely different.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing. It is basically just hiding from the fact that he completely lost it. The actaul process of going crazy takes time and you dont just snap like that. He is just using insanity as an excuse and it would be ridiculous for that to be allowed. A med student doesnt just go crazy.

    2. Good point Chance, I don't think anything should be used to justify all the lives he ended.

  30. No matter what you are going through the result should never be to kill inosent people. Jahar, might of had some struggles but he still should not of killed, James did not have any struggles that were known about so we do not know why he did this. This is the biggest jury ever so hopefully they get to the bottom of this. People say James was a crazy person and didn't have his head on straight, but in reality he was very smart and knew exactly what he was doing.

    1. I agree with this because the answer should never be to kill someone. James isn't the man they thought he was and is very smart.

    2. I completely agree with you. No matter what was going on with him being mentally ill, there are things you could do to get help with that. Pulling a trigger and taking someones life isn't a little mistake.

    3. I completely agree with you. No matter what was going on with him being mentally ill, there are things you could do to get help with that. Pulling a trigger and taking someones life isn't a little mistake.

  31. Things like this completely blow my mind. It is absolutely horrible that people can murder each other like it's nothing. It is also very scary that at any given moment something like this could happen to anyone including ourselves. We have no idea what the people around us are thinking or what mental issues they have yet to treat and any given moment could be the one where they lose it. We are constantly putting our lives in the hands of the people around us whether it be driving a car or seeing a movie, our lives depend on other peoples choices and sadly a lot of people in this world are mentally ill or maybe in some cases just evil human beings. When I hear of things like this I automatically ask if they were mentally ill. A lot of people think that saying they are mentally ill is just an excuse for their actions however mental illness is a real disease that a lot of people suffer from and it's these same attitudes of people ignoring them and calling it an excuse that it goes untreated. If we ignore the mentally ill then our country will be a scary place to live.

    1. I should add that I do not think that everyone who commits murder is mentally ill. I understand that some people are just cruel and evil but mental illness is definitely not something to over look.

    2. I agree with Jetta on this statement, not everyone that commits murder is necessarily mentally ill. There are pyscho people out there in the world that are ill, but for someone as smart as James was. He was a surprise to everyone that knew him and is still shocking people around the world that read about this article.

    3. I agree with Jetta. Being mentally ill is a real thing that can cause you to do things you wouldn't normally do. However, I don't think this is an excuse to kill. Holmes might not have known what he was doing and might be mentally ill. Just because planned his attacks and was intelligent doesn't mean he was sane. Whether or not he was crazy is for the professionals to decide. However, it does show that he had planned a lot of time thinking about what he was going to do and had taken a turn for the worst. Whether or not he is crazy, Holmes spent time thinking about what he did and needs to be punished accordingly.

  32. I think James Holmes is a prime example of how those we look up to can sometimes be the bad guys in this situation. I personally believe that there is something that went wrong in his head that could have triggered the attacks, I just don't think that anyone in their right mind would commit such an offense. I also believe that he needs to pay for his actions with a life sentence in prison.

  33. Obviously something is wrong with his mind and he is a twisted man but it never lacks to amaze me just how people can snap like that. Things were going good in his life and i just have trouble understanding taking innocent peoples lives. If you have that big of a problem go get help no matter how messed up you are you should still know that shooting up a theatre is a ridiculous and awful idea.

    1. Travis, as hard as it is to understand mental illness it truly is a crippling disease.
      I also completely agree with you that he should have gotten help though.

  34. I believe that people like James are what keep this world spinning. Allow me to explain, Without people who do horrible things what do we need a police force for? why would we need a bomb squad? We wouldn't. This tragic event was horrible and too many innocent people died i'm not denying that don't get me wrong its a bad deal. all i'm saying is that the way our society is set up we need people like James in order for some of us to receive pay checks. Now that's pretty crazy to think about, so which is worse a person who kills innocent people and rigs his apartment with explosives or a government that depends on people like this?

  35. James had scholarships, came from a stable family, and was one of the brightest kids in his neighborhood/school. Just because we are academically gifted does not mean we have nothing wrong in our lives/heads. Reading this article just goes to show how we really can't judge a book by its cover...But being the hypocrite i am, i'm gunna judge this guy because lets be honest, he's crazy! Aside from the movie theatre massacre, he had bobby-traps set up in his apartment for anyone who came after him. Yes, this man was a genius, but not smart enough to get away with what he did. People that kill others shouldn't exist in todays world, we already hace enough problems. I feel that he needs more than just jail time, honestly I think he should be given the death sentence, because killing innocent people just because you aren't happy in life is ridiculous.

  36. I don't think there is any way to justify what James Holmes did. Killing innocent people is never okay and should be punished. James Holmes knew what the punishment would be for killing those people and should be punished. While it is probably true that James Holmes had has an extremely tough life, that doesn't give him an excuse to kill people. I am not going to act like I know what is going on in Holmes' head or what he has been through, but I believe that no matter what he has been through there is no way to justify what he did.

  37. James Holmes was a nice guy who was very smart. Nobody expected this from him and people are still wondering what went wrong. James is a perfect example of how people can change within days and have a totally different mind set. There is no one who will be able to understand what went wrong with him. What would you do if your best friend were too commit such a tragedy? Though James was once a nice guy, he deserves to be punished for what he committed, because he is not the guy he once was.

  38. Peoples minds are crazy, one minute they are fine and another, they are shooting up a theater. It is awful how smart James is but how bad of a move he made. People will never be able to understand what went wrong with him but we will know he went mad. No matter your financial situation, if you have a problem that large you need to get help. There is no excuse for shooting up a theater.

  39. James Holmes obviously has a serious mental disorder. I absolutely show no sympathy for James or Jahar. I think that people should always get more information about mental illness if they plan on having children so they know what to look for to have an idea if their son might be a murderer one day. What they both did was horribly wrong and hope every day it haunts them that they took away someones family member.

  40. Holmes was a very normal every day person. To be honest he is one of the last people most would suspect of shooting up a movie theatre. But Holmes was obviously very mentally ill, or maybe he snapped from the pressure of being treated as some one so intelligent. No matter what made him snap, he did. He bought military supplies and shot innocent people. Hopefully in the future there will be more ways to find people who are mentally ill and help them so things like this don't happen any more.
