Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome to my class news blog!  This is where we will be discussing news and ideas related to class this semester.  This week's posts are divided by class, so WHAP will post on one topic and APUSH will post on the other.  Please don't cross contaminate; you are welcome to read the other pages if you are inclined.

Rules for publishing on the blog:

1.  Use your first name, last initial, class block (unless more is needed, you know who you are). (1 point).
2.  Keep comments polite.  This is an open forum, so speak your mind, but proper etiquette and behavior is expected. (1 point).
3.  Your answers should be 50 words and grammatically/mechanically correct.  This is your chance to improve your summarizing and argumentation. (3 points).
4.  Everyone is required to post twice - once saying what you think about the article, once on someone else's comment/post.  Each needs to meet the requirements listed above. (5 points (2.5 each)).
5.  We'll work out other ideas/needs/rubrics as we work through the semester.  Happy blogging!

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